I am about a week behind on this month's update but better late than never, right?! I guess this is a perfect example of how our little man has us constantly busy!
Here is the stats for this past month:
-he is wearing size 9-12 month clothes
-size 4-5 diapers (depends on the brand)
-I estimate that he weighs around 21lbs
-he is crawling all over! We have had to put a baby gate to separate our living room from the rest of the house, which has been a lifesaver.
-we have been starting the process of transitioning him from baby food to real food which has been interesting. He loves grilled cheese, french fries, flavored puffs (yeah I'm counting that as real food, ha!), yogurt, and oranges. He dislikes pizza, fried okra, corn, green beans, peas, and some chicken nuggets.
-he can say dada, mama, and uh oh
-he LOVES balls! Big or small he will get a huge grin on his face when he sees one, hoards it so no other babies can get it (at school), and will even try to crawl with it. He can throw, bounce, and somewhat catch them. He definitely is your typical boy!
-he got his first haircut from mama and looks so much older with it shorter. He already needs another one- his hair grows so fast!
-he loves bath time and will be starting baby swim lessons next month
-he has 3 teeth now--2 on bottom and 1 on the top
-learning how to use the sippy cup, he is almost there, but doesn't quite understand that he must tip it up to get the drink. He also likes to throw it or tip it over frequently.
-he is in love with our dog Gracie and gives her lots of hugs and kisses
-speaking of hugs and kisses he loves to give mama and dada lots of hugs and slobbery kisses and we love them!
I can't even say how much we love this boy. Our life has changed so much in these last 10 months in the most amazing ways. He is the best gift from God we could have ever recieved!!!