Monday, July 30, 2012

3 Months

Holy Cow! We have a 3 month old! Where has time gone?!

-Baylor is talking and growing each day! He is always so alert and likes to cautiously check things out before he then tries doing it.  He loves toys and playing them, especially ones that light up and plays music

-He is eating four 4 1/2oz bottles a day of breastmilk while he's at daycare, and breastfeeding when he's with me in the evenings and weekends

-He is wearing size 2 diapers

-He's wearing size 3-6 month clothes

-Still sleeping through the night. We put him down around 9:30-10 and wake him at 6:30am to get ready for "school"

-He laughs more and more each day, though I am pretty much the main one who can make him laugh, with just a couple exceptions

-Which leads me to "school" which he started 3 weeks ago. He loves school! He is always smiling and happy when I leave him and when I go to pick him up. The only time I've seen him laugh out loud that was not of my doing was with a teacher at school! They love him and I feel so happy about picking the place that we did, they take great care of him which is such a relief to me.

-Baylor can now hold his head up pretty good, and can sit in his Bumbo seat. It's fun to plop  him in there and see him sitting up.

-He is shy! He is very quiet around other people, especially those he doesn't know well and doesn't talk much. But when he is with mommy and daddy he loves to talk.

We are just so dang blessed to have this beautiful, sweet boy. I truly did not know love until I met him.


  1. So precious! Amazinghow quick the grow and change. Glad he loves "school" that always makes it easier on you.

  2. so happy he loves school so much and how could they not just love him?! I mean, seriously, he is precious and I think Hollis will think so too! :)
