Sunday, January 22, 2012

25 weeks

It has taken me 25 weeks to realize I picked the worst area in my house to take these pictures! The yellow drains me and the lighting is terrible! Oh well!

So I am actually 26 weeks today,but this picture was taken when I was 25 weeks and I will just go ahead and update ya'll on this past week.

How far along: at the time of this pic, 25 weeks, 5 days
Weight Gain: gulp...17lbs. I think Baylor went through a growth spurt in the past couple weeks!
Sleep: I really can't complain, been sleeping just fine. I still haven't had to use any extra pillows or buy any maternity type pillows. I just jinxed myself on that, didn't I?!
Best moment this week: Baylor got the hiccups last night! It was so funny, it felt like he was kicking but it was an exact pattern that didn't stop for a good 5-10 minutes...poor thing! No one likes having the hiccups!
Food Cravings: This week I have been eating some popcorn like it's going out of style
Movement: lots and lots. I have read weeks 24-28 is when you feel baby moving the most and I am loving it!
What I miss: still nothing comes to mind, just enjoying this time
What I am most looking forward to: we have a doctors appointment on February 1st. Those are always fun...can't think of anything else right now
Milestones: I think the hiccups were a milestone for us--that I got to feel it! It was pretty neat!
Workouts: I worked out 5 days this week! Whoop whoop! I will say that I notice I am out of breath and tired easier than before when I walk, I am pretty sure it has something to do with carrying an extra 17lbs.

Also, update on the belly button, which is still in, but is starting to emerge a bit. Half of it is starting to pop and the bottom half is still an innie.We will see how long that lasts!


  1. You look so cute! I loved baby hiccups! :) So glad you are feeing good and working out -- that's awesome. Don't worry about the weight, just enjoy it!

  2. Lookin' great! Except for your bump, you can't tell that you put on 17 pounds.

  3. I do not belive that you have gained 17 lbs...I don't knwo where you think you are hiding it! You look so good and I love that he is moving more now!

  4. Oh my goodness, you're too cute! That 17 pounds is all baby (and fluids and all that associated stuff) because you look great! Glad to hear everything is going well!
